Connection to Nature

Short description of design solution

Highlights to design solutions - in photos I think

“I think here is the heart of the birth house…When the couples are here…that’s really, really beautiful. Researcher: and those

nests are for the babies? do they use them? Midwife: Yes, yes, they do…”

“In the morning or afternoon, when we have a break, if there is no one here, we [midwives/staff] also are here. And in the summertime

we are eating outside…it’s a nice place to work…really nice place…”

— Midwife

“This shared family sitting area [on post natal floor] is very peaceful…and in the winter it’s lovely, you can see deer moving through the forest outside…oh look, there is one now…”

— Midwife

Last week, I had night shift, and this [experience] was really, really beautiful… [the birthing woman] came about 6 a.m., laid down here… the sun was just coming up, and all was light in here, and then the partner said…(he was really fascinated)…’the mornings here are really beautiful!’”

— Midwife

“Opening to the hill at back/forest side of building, this space brings us into feeling close to nature, and helps to moderate the length of the hallway to the postnatal rooms.”


“The views from the building were absolutely stunning. They were sensitively and thoughtfully arranged/located to give

different but very beautiful, even wondrous, sense of place. The location of elements of the program, for instance the dining room,

outdoor terraced, birthing rooms, quiet sitting room, postpartum rooms…all were so very well orchestrated.”


Related Forms

Bed Placement

Homelike Design

Flexible Furniture

Presence or Inclusion of Nature


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